Where the Students make the news
Where the Students make the news
We are excited that you have navigated your way to our Toronto Campus News (TCN) website. The students at TCN hope you enjoy taking a look at the creative work that they do each week as part of their TCN news program. Check out our current edition of the news and stay up to date with what is happening at our school campus, Toronto Adventist School. You can also take a look at some of the past editions of the news, as well as the special editions that have been made along the way.
Toronto Campus News (TCN) started in Term 4 of 2013 with the students in the Year 3-6 class. We made an edition of the news for Speech Night, and the students and parents loved it so much that we decided to keep it going ever since then! The first edition was made with no news room, just the back of the classroom, so we have come a long way since then with all of our video editing! Students at TCN develop confidence in a range of areas, and they develop a can-do attitude for getting the job done, as well as meeting many outcomes of the curriculum. Each student is a valued part of a team that produces a product that anyone can see around the world!
Fast Forward to 2023 and TCN has had what our TCN producer, Mrs Thompson, calls a TCN ReTHINK. Every student in our Kindy to Year 6 classes participates in TCN and so now we have a different approach. There are three TCN managers who assist each of the three TCN Teams to achieve their goals. Our TCN managers are students in Years 5 and 6.
Take a look at our TCN student perspectives in the video below.
Student Perspectives of TCN
A little more of the TCN Story
Students at Toronto Adventist School are meeting the outcomes of the Australian Curriculum in a creative and innovative way. Every student in Kindy to Year 6 is involved in producing the school news program, entitled Toronto Campus News (TCN), that airs on the website, at the local Toronto Campus Church, at our school, and now on our own dedicated website!
Each student has several responsibilities, which contribute to the production of the TCN news. These responsibilities range from script-writer, reporter, news anchor, communications director, stage manager, camera operator, wardrobe, teleprompter, sound technician, and movie editing using Final Cut Pro. Students must first apply for their choice of job in writing. When applying for the job, they must include a phone number for a referee and students are encouraged to compile a resume for the occasion.
Collaboration is a key element in the TCN news program. The students are an integral part of a team. They nominate news stories for the next edition of the news and give reasons why the story they suggest should be included. As a group, they select which stories to include, and in which order they will appear in the program. Once news stories are assigned, students write their scripts after liaising with the teacher. They then type their script up on their iPads. iPads are used both for typing news scripts, and behind the camera as part of the teleprompter.
Under the direction of the Stage Manager, students use a green screen to create a virtual newsroom. The lighting team manage four soft box lights, caring for safety of loose cords as part of their responsibilities. The sound engineer records the sound for each segment, which gives a clearer sound than the camera alone, something the team identified as a need to improve as part of their evaluations.
Once an edition of the news is released, the students evaluate their work and make suggestions for the next edition. As part of this evaluation process, students desired to be paid for their jobs. As a result, a whole new area of learning has been developed, to include TCN dollars. Students are only paid if they have worked for the week (sick pay is available), and they must pay tax at the rate of 20%, rent on their office space, and giving to charity (tithe) at the rate of 10% is encouraged.
Excitement is often buzzing in the newsroom as students rehearse their lines, waiting for their interviewee to arrive. The Communications Director, makes the necessary phone calls to line up the various guest speakers. With clipboard and sticky notes in hand, he liaises with the teacher and guest speaker, to negotiate a suitable appointment time for the interview.
One of the advantages of a small school is that all students are actively involved. Everyone is a vital part of the team. Even Kindy students are expected to step up to the line, and they do. It is also rewarding to see the older students mentoring their younger classmates.
And while all this hard, creative, fun work is being done, it serves another valuable purpose – informing the school and wider community of the wonderful things taking place at our school.
Please send us a message via the form below. We would love to hear from you. What do you think of our news program? Where in the world do you live?